How to CREATE blog topics for the next three months in 60 minutes or less

It’s imperative to plan well for blogging to work. But even the best writers can tell you that they have writers’ block now and again.


Here are some tips to get you started:



    • Brainstorm and come up with some topic ideas.


    • Ask yourself what your readers would benefit from?


    • Use a site like to see how other people cover your topics.


    • Tweak topic to match your writing style and business goals.



    • Once you have your topic, align them with relevant keywords people search for in Google.


    • Use a tool like Grammarly to help with Grammar.


    • Aim for about one post a week so you will need 12 for three months



Record your topics in a word document or spreadsheet.


Write away! Remember don’t over think it. When you write, post on your blog first and then on other platforms like Linkedin etc. Have you seen my article on a simple blog post formula.


If you are interested in reading more tips.. pop over to my blog.