Mental Health Counselling

For just £30 ex VAT per person per year YBC members, and their employees, have access to 24/7 support and counselling for conditions such as anxiety, bereavement, stress, relationship breakdowns etc.

All calls are dealt with confidentially and we appreciate that the problems of every caller are unique.

Worries can severely impact upon your performance, and that of your employees, so it makes sense to invest in mental well-being.

The service provides up to 6 sessions of telephone counselling per event, per year per subject.

All advice provided by qualified BAC counsellors.

Financial/Debt advice (provided by Auriga).

Access to a resilience app – Mymindpal

As well as telephone advice, once registered, you’ll also have access to key information and support via our online portal.

Partners and children over 16 also have access to the service

To access this benefit please click the button below to join