
It’s imperative to remember that attending networking events is about making friends rather than trying to sell. Logically, when a need arises, it’s highly likely that people will choose a friend to help them. It’s also not just about the people you meet but the people they know.

In the context of networking listening is far more important than speaking. By remembering peoples’ names, and what they do, you are able to facilitate introductions within your network. Being known as someone who does this magically increases your reputation and you’ll start to see people reciprocate your generosity by introducing their contacts to you.

Attending events consistently is also highly desirable as is following up with new contacts. This will start to create trust as the journey continues. First and foremost you are your brand so delivering on promises enhances your reputation.

Networking continues in between meetings and it’s your responsibility to be on the lookout for people you can introduce to your friends. At YBC we’ve extended that further by using the expression ‘if you give us your needs we’ll turn them into leads’ which means we can then make introductions within our community.

So, if you’d like to broaden your network of contacts in a relaxed and friendly environment take a look at our events page now and book yourself the key to your future success.

Premium members have unlimited access to all YBC events and Business Essentials members can attend up to 2 face to face events and selected Zoom events.