FREE Business Support for Harrow Residents and Businesses

Looking to set up your own business in Harrow? Do you need some help and advice to get you started? Or are you wanting to grow your business in terms of visibility, clients and revenue?

This Project will be offered free to all residents and businesses based in the borough including entrepreneurs, self-employed, sole traders, owner managers of businesses, co-operatives, and voluntary sector enterprises, with an additional targeted focus on:
● Businesses and startups led or managed by people with disabilities, including mental health.
● Businesses and startups led or managed by women, young people aged 18 to 30, Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities.

Each participant will receive tailored business support and advice based on their business needs, that will be identified through a business needs assessment and/or business action plan. The support will include:
● Business Diagnostic session
● A minimum of 4 hours of one to one support
● Attend free workshops on topics including:
● Creating a business plan /financial forecast
● Access to funding for businesses, startups, and voluntary sector firms.
● Business planning and strategy.
● Market research.
● Creating a marketing strategy includes your website, social media marketing, e-commerce, mini-offers, and promotions.
● Occupying commercial premises: advice on leases, licences, planning, and other relevant advice.
● Employment, training, team management and HR.
● Health and Well Being support for entrepreneurs
● Carbon reduction/Energy efficiency plans for businesses.

To register for the programme, please sign up here!