FREE LinkedIn Profile & Strategy Review

***Apply For a LinkedIn Profile Review***

Your LinkedIn profile is your window to the world

In an era of information overload our human brains are programmed to stereotype and pigeonhole people in a matter of seconds, so if we want to make a lasting impression, having an engaging LinkedIn profile that speaks directly to our audience is imperative.

Your LinkedIn Profile is making an impact 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!

In this 30-minute Zoom session, you’ll receive personalised feedback on how well your LinkedIn profile is currently reflecting your business message and its potential for generating sales. I will take the time to learn about you and your business objectives and then tailor my advice to match. I’ll provide you with useful insights and suggestions that you can implement immediately to quickly establish your influence and generating new business leads. The session will be recorded so you can capture all of my suggestions and begin implementing them. If you like the suggestions and can see us working together, you can upgrade to the full writing service on the call.

I couldn’t believe the insights I received. I literally had no idea how much I could achieve with my profile and how I was coming across. The insights I received were absolutely invaluable review went far beyond just my LinkedIn profile and gave me lots to think about. I recommend it to anyone.

– Richard E. Davies, GPSgoaltrak

Click Here to Book


About Naomi Johnson

I began providing LinkedIn Profile Reviews in early 2013 when I was selling LinkedIn training for one of the world’s leading LinkedIn Training Providers. In the two years that followed, I reviewed up to 20 profiles per week while in conversation with the profile owner. What I discovered was that most people either don’t know how to represent themselves on the platform or are unaware of just how poorly they’ve conveyed their message, especially to the brand new prospects they are trying to attract.

It was at this point I wrote my book ‘What to Put on Your LinkedIn Profile‘ designed to help people fully understand LinkedIn and how it can be used to position people as their prospect’s trusted advisor and establish the vital ‘know, like, trust’ needed to win new business.

In 2015, I faced an unexpected turn of events that left me with one of two choices; find a new job or begin my own business selling LinkedIn Profiles. I opted for the latter. It certainly was the harder road. With no financial reserves and no warning, I was faced with the need to generate income within two weeks and create a sustainable income. Using all of my knowledge of LinkedIn and everything I had learned on Daniel Priestley’s Key Person of Influence course in 2010, I got to work selling my services writing LinkedIn profiles.

Within a few weeks, I had won a number of new clients and by my fourth month, I was at full capacity. I had successfully combined my LinkedIn strategies with offline strategies to quickly position myself as the ‘go-to’ expert in my industry and have my name come up in all the right conversations. I proved that what I teach clients absolutely works.


For more about Naomi Johnson and LinkedIn Profile tuition, please go to www.TheProfile.Company