Of the seven trillion business cards that are printed each year, around 12 million are thrown away. With the global society becoming more environmentally conscious, it’s vital that outdated models evolve with the times. Quaz.me is leading the way with a more efficient and effective means of making meaningful connections. How often have you received a business card and found it a year later tucked away in your wallet? In a world dominated by social media, Quaz.me have created an elegant and eco-friendly way for the outdated business card to enter the digital age.
With its innovative technology, Quaz.me has launched its Digital Business Card which will save you money on printing and enable you to grow your business contacts faster, all while reducing the World’s carbon footprint. How many business cards have you handed out over the years that now have outdated information? In addition to the cost-cutting attributes and communication capabilities, your Digital Business Card can be updated instantaneously so that all of your old and new connections can access your current details, ensuring that no interaction is wasted.
By simply scanning the customized QR code, your new contact will be instantly directed to your online business card even if they don’t use the official application. For those that have the app, they’ll be able to save the contact, add notes, and share their details. With verification and activation processes in place, you can be confident that you cannot be impersonated.
Continuing to evolve and adapt their innovative technology, Quaz.me are also in the process of launching a number of fantastic new features. The upcoming search feature will allow users to search for keywords based on their notes from individual profiles that they have connected with. This means that should you forget someone’s name or their profession, you can easily locate them in your contact list after having made notes about their appearance, life details, or impressions you received during your initial conversation.
All notes will remain completely private so that you can utilize them for continuing to make meaningful connections. In addition to the search feature, there will also be an embedded location feature which will allow you to recall the place where you initially made the connection, ensuring that you can find the right contact and capitalize on a business relationship.
Quaz.me are also developing their bespoke build, enterprise system through which companies can utilize an automatically updated ACP to check engagements, review analytics and ensure that employees are proactively making connections when at networking events; optimizing business engagements in an incomparable way compared to the distribution of physical business cards.
There are currently three pricing options available that you can choose from. The free option will provide you with lifetime access to your Digital Business Card and contacts, including contacts storage, your full name, photo, number, and email address. The £5 (+VAT) and £24 (+VAT) options allow even more customizable features with all of the above in addition to social media links, website links, custom templates, an intro video, and ID verification.
As a YBC member we would like to offer you a 50% discount when subscribing to the 6 month plan using the coupon code YBC23F at the checkout. Using the discount code allows you to also display that you are a YBC member and also helps to promote Your Business Community.
Step into the future with Quaz.me. Save money, protect the environment, and make meaningful connections that last.