Words That Increase Response

Choose the wrong words and the reader may not open the email or read your content (be it blog or letter).  The right words improve engagement and increase results!


Words That Increase Response


immediate, right away, simultaneous, within moments/seconds/minutes/hours, fast, in a jiffy, wink of an eye, without delay, straight away, straight off, at once, promptly, shortcut, in a flash, go like the wind, shake a leg

Without Effort…

automatically, accidental, intuitively, involuntary, knee jerk reaction, mechanically, naturally, reflexively, self-regulating, spontaneously, routinely, robotically, unconsciously, impulsively, posing no difficulty, easy as falling off a log, nothing to it, easy, simple, effortless, a cinch, in a relaxed manner, casually, fool proof, without any trouble, no practice necessary, almost overnight, connect the dots, force you, sit back and watch, bypass, force-fed/feeding, fall into place, force-feed, tricking your brain, “quickfix” solution, no “getting up to speed”


lucrative, gravy-train, make a killing, the goose that lays the golden egg, return on investment, wallet-swelling, enlarge your bank account, fast track to profits, top dollar, multiply your investment


affordable, introductory pricing, wholesale priced, petty fee, bargain, economical,
reasonable sum, meager, modest, lean, puny, dirt cheap, a real steal, a fraction of the cost, below wholesale, pays for itself, budget friendly


conquer, triumph, clobber, humble, vanquish, shellac, trounce, wallop, rain blows on, pummel, steamroll, monopolize, put you in the driver’s seat, give you free reign, call the shots, dominate, reign supreme, command, tower above, tyrannize, be at the helm, manipulate, tear up, humble (as in humble the competition), sticking it to, blow off the lid, collapsed, smack the snot out of…


boost, swell, snowball, accelerate, avalanche, bloat, balloon, mushroom, fatten, deepen, heighten, flood, drown, flush, overwhelm, swamp, downpour, gush, swarm, overrun, crush, mob, explode, blast, burst, erupt, shatter, rain, blow the lid off, maxed out, bursting at the seam, landslide, jack up, gorge, spike, merge, squeeze out


slim, condense, defeat, downgrade, slash, vanquish, subdue, drain, carve up, shrink, dwindle, retire, shrivel, plummet, disintegrate, destroy, squander, nose-dive, chop up, bankrupt, put the kibosh on, torpedo, shatter, demolish, level, plunge, crash, shave, erase, suck down, melt away, vanishing, dwarf


fall short, choke, break down, give out, bomb, flop, flunk out, stink up the joint, ruin, bust, go under, go belly up, crumble, throw in the towel, flounder, burn out, blow your wad, come up short, sabotage


belittle, disgrace, embarrass, humble, shame, take down a peg, deflate self esteem, throw for a loop, put on the spot, put to the blush, dishonor, blackball, blacklist, blow away, robbed, suffer, beg, demolish


ever-lasting, fixed, certain, continuous, immutable, nonstop, perpetual, unceasing, uninterrupted, around the clock, lock up, lock into, capture, burn (burn into your memory forever), etch, install


concealed, buried, clandestine, secret, invisible to most, under wraps, covert, classified, confidential, covert, hush-hush, top-drawer, need to know basis, private, overlooked, lock-box secret


attempt, take a stab at, have a go at, take a crack at, zero in, set (y)our sights on


lethargic, sluggish, spiritless, inactive, apathetic, inert, slowest, unresponsive, casual, easygoing, flabby, sloppy, dreamy, uninspired, unmotivated, passive


nouns: misery, grief, heart ache, torture, torment, plague, living hell, martyr,
verbs: crucify, mutilate, mangle, disfigure, butcher, cripple, massacre, maul, slaughter, slaving away,

Other action verbs, words and phrases:

collide, shock, connect, handed, drenched, dump, pinpoint, trigger, scour, juiced, crank-out, load, pogoed, harness, float, bored to tears, get into the trenches, haul, hammer it home, rampage, scramble, the underbelly, fuss, drag, pocketing, rocketed, smack/smacking, trashes, oohing and aahing, winced, frightened, hunt down, devour, hobble, nail down, snicker, cram, wail, huff and puff, size up

Words to Avoid

Below is a list of words to avoid. These words usually have a negative connotation attached to them.

For example, learning implies a lot of effort, but “unearthing” implies little to no effort. Replace negative words in your copy with the alternative words below…


discover, acquire, digest, uncover, gain access to, obtain, secure, unearth, disrobe, expose, unveil, take in, observe, disclose, revealed to you, unmasked, spill the beans, let out the bag, laid on the table, made plain


ante up, take advantage of, invest, cover, contribute, chip in, furnish, provide, supply, goes for, initiation fee, access fee, requires a small sum, total amount, valued atavailable for, offered at, worth


happily involve, help obtain, provide expertise, supply with vital information


reserve, claim, gain access to, acquire, get, secure, snatch this up, scoop up, snatch up, own, take home, make it belong to you, make this yours, when you choose to say yes, it’s your, get involved with this wonderful opportunity


demonstrate, display, reveal, disclose, divulge, present, prove, uncover, meet the eye, parade, flaunt, direct your attention to, lead you through, confirm, expose, broadcast, open the door


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